Habits and Change conclusion

Conclusion of Habits and Change module

Now that you have important information about the value of the relaxation response and it’s effect on stress and worry ( Module 1 ) you can use these tools and strategies to lead yourself to a good state of mind whenever you need to. 

And now that you are familiar with common approaches to noticing and making adjustments to habits ( Module 2 ) you can implement habit changes in your life whenever you need to.

Having the tools to feel empowered to make personal changes is such an important skill set to have.

From successful executives, to sales people, to public speakers, to entertainers, to pro athletes, awareness of your own habits and states of mind and the ability to change them can be the difference between mediocrity and awesomeness. 

More importantly to me, the difference between a feeling of struggling to get by in life to a feeling of being in control of your life and enjoying yourself!

Whether it’s to deal with strong emotions in the heat of the moment or something more proactive and forward looking like addressing habits, or ways of being, that serve your better future self, you now have new ways to look to make positive changes in your life.