Personalized Hypnosis

Some simple explanations of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of mind where the unconscious mind is open to suggestions.

It doesn’t mean that a hypnotized person will take in and act on ALL suggestions, just that a hypnotized person is MORE LIKELY to act on suggestions.

How does Hypnosis work?

Many well done commercials/ advertisements use hypnosis principals.

A good advertisement has your imagination captured with engaging Visuals, Audio and Kinaesthetic(Feelings) experiences.

This full picture of engagement draws in the mind fully and can be very influential.

This is the old cliche of “Sell the sizzle, not the steak”.

Hypnotic principals are also utilized in sales.

In its most straightforward form hypnotic influence it may look like someone stating multiple obvious things that you would agree with, followed by multiple actions of compliance to build momentum towards large acts of compliance.

Yes sets

“Nice day isn’t it?”

“I see you are a Habs fan”

“I bet you’d like to use the best use of your time today.”

Compliance sets

“Let me show you this laptop on sale over here”

“Look at what a better price it is compared to the other one.”

“I’ll get one in a box for you and you can take it home”

This experience noted above, although I’ve made it short and a little pushy sounding, is somewhat expected in the context of shopping for a laptop or some other interaction with a (high pressure) sales person. It may be hypnotic but it won’t have you clucking like a chicken or quacking like a duck!

Furthermore if you don’t want a new laptop, you won’t be buying one!

Context is important.

All of this together builds momentum towards saying yes again.

This is all well and good if the intention is in accordance to the benefit of all parties.

Like so many things in life, we must act with moral direction towards good.

When I offer Therapeutic Hypnosis for personal betterment that is the context in which we operate. If the suggestions of letting go of unnecessary stress and worry sound good, you are likely to go along with it and allow yourself to comply with the beneficial process. In a therapeutic context suggestions will need to be understood as beneficial to the client or they won’t be adopted.

Here is a free 15 min Guided hypnosis session

3 Doors of Victory (guided)

-----Disclaimer: do not watch while driving or any other activity that requires your attention-----

As I've stated in previous videos, since I can't see you and pace and lead you (as this is prerecorded) , do your best to follow along and watch it a number of times as you will get better at going into your relaxed hypnotic trance state the more you practice.

Personalized Hypnosis sessions are available to book with me via zoom. We will always do a 15 min or so call first to cover expectations and confirm suitability for the issue at hand.

Sessions typically run 60-90 min and most people find 2 or 3 sessions sufficient to make powerful changes.

Book now via the link below or email me for registration.